Well I'm just gonna do here what I gotta do here
'Cause I gotta keep myself free
'Cause I gotta keep myself free
-Foster The People. (2011). Call It What You Want.
Sure, my playlist keeps playing this song today, but this is highly appropriate (in a pure coincidence kind of way?) because this blog shares the same owner (me) with That Other Blog (linked at the sidebar) which unfortunately (?) also named Heiji Hatsutori with different subtitle than the ones here. My reason being that I'm utterly incapable of giving it a better name and my naming sense is inadequate at best.
So yeah. OTL
About Foster The People, I first heard about them from a friend who deemed Pumped Up Kicks as one of the best songs (or is it the Top 10?) of 2011. And while the song sorta exploded, it didn't really do it for me for some reason, so I don't pay attention enough on the band.
Until I chanced upon this song on MTV.
The beat is something that sides right up my alley, the lyric is awesome (thus the lyric video instead above, though I sorta used the 'who cares' part to annoy my sis at times ha!) and I caught myself enjoying it all the while got kinda mind-boggled by the MV. To say it's weird is a bit of an understatement, though I'll rather put it in the random category. You can watch it here.
I decided to search for the whole album instead and the song fast grow on me, along with Houdini (which the MV for it is their best so far). I'm yet to go through the whole catalog, but I just need one more song to like and I'll deem Torches a fantastic album. Call me somewhat ridiculous, but it's a somewhat opinion of mine that if I can like at least 3 songs from an album it'll be a damn good one because I am picky like that. 2 songs put it in the good category (har har).
Too bad, or should I say, how irony that their most popular song is yet to enter the list. Ha!
Till then.
┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
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